EMI measurement against LED driver with an EMI receiver
In order to finish the EMI measurement against an LED driver that is fitted with an EMI receiver, you will need to perform the following procedures: The first thing that needs to be done in order to get everything ready is to put the LED driver and the LED bulb inside of the EMI testing chamber. Following this step, connect the LED driver to the power source. Calibration Ensure that the EMI receiver is calibrated in line with the instructions that were supplied by the manufacturer. Calibration First switch on the LED driver, and after that is done, use the EMI receiver to take the measurement once it has been turned on. The EMI receiver is going to pick up and take readings on the electromagnetic interference (EMI) that is caused by the LED driver and the light. Data Collection: At this stage of the process, you will be tasked for gathering the information that the EMI receiver transmits, which will include the frequency, amplitude, and time domain waveform of the EMI signal. Analyz...