How do you use a goniophotometer for IESNA-63 LED light measurement?
A gadget known as a goniophotometer is used for the purpose of measuring the light output of a lighting fixture from a variety of different angles. It is also used to measure the photometric performance of a light source in accordance with the IESNA LM-63 standard, which is a standard that was developed by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) for measuring and reporting the photometric performance of lighting fixtures. In addition, it is used to measure the photometric performance of a light source in accordance with the IESNA LM-63 standard. In the process of measuring the photometric performance of a light source, goniophotometers are often used. The process of measuring the light output of a light source from a variety of different angles is known as goniophotometry . Estimating the intensity distribution of a lighting fixture, commonly referred to as the "beam pattern," is a common use of this technique. Goniophotometry is another method that m...