How to set up and calibrate the goniophotometer?

A goniophotometer is a photometer used to assess the light coming from off-axis sources. The usage of goniophotometers has skyrocketed in recent years due to the proliferation of LED lighting in the automobile sector. A black tunnel, or tunnel protected by black baffles, is ideal for using the goniophotometer. Because of the potential for errors introduced by stray light, the dark tunnel is essential for reliable testing results. System setup The goniophotometer will be exposed to ambient lighting instead of the dark tube. Aligning the goniophotometer, baffles, and the detector is essential for obtaining reliable test results. It is also called light intensity meter . Baffle design Both baffle one and baffle two are made of the same materials and have the same structure. The plastic board is an excellent alternative to several other materials due to its low price and weight. A t-slotted aluminum profile is used to construct the frame that surrounds the whiteboard. The asse...