Moving mirror goniophotometer for LED outdoor light fixtures
A mirror that moves back and forth. The light output of a lighting fixture may be measured at a variety of angles using a goniophotometer, which is a form of goniophotometer that employs a moving mirror. It is possible to put LED outdoor light fixtures through their photometric paces and evaluate how well they measure up to industry standards such as IESNA LM-79 and CIE 121 with the help of this tool. The mirror that moves across the room goniophotometers normally include a rotating stage that is used to hold the light fixture that is being evaluated, a detector that is used to measure the light output, and a moving mirror that is used to reflect the light from the light fixture onto the detector. Because the mirror may be moved through a variety of positions, the light output can be monitored from a number of various perspectives. The following procedures need to be carried out to evaluate LED outdoor lighting installations using a moving mirror goniophotometer: Install the gon...