Procedure for the EMC EMI test on LED flood lights

The following stages are commonly included in the method for conducting EMC and EMI tests on LED flood lights:


  • Obtain a sample of the LED flood light as well as the necessary testing equipment, such as an electromagnetic interference (EMI) receiver, a near-field probe, a far-field antenna, a line impedance stabilization network (LISN), a current probe, a power amplifier, and a dummy load. This is the first step in the preparation process.
  • Prepare the testing apparatus by: Establish a connection between the EMI receiver and the LISN. After that, establish a connection between the sample LED flood light and the dummy load.
  • Test for radiated emission by positioning a sample LED flood light on the turntable and using the far-field antenna to measure the radiated emission in a variety of directions and at a range of frequencies.
  • Conduct a test of the conducted emission by connecting the current probe to the LED flood light, and then using the EMI receiver to measure the conducted emission on both the power lines and the signal lines.
  • Examine the findings as follows: Keep a record of the findings of the test and evaluate them in light of the applicable standards, such as IEC61000-6-3 for radiated emission and IEC61000-6-4 for conducted emission. In the event that the test findings are greater than the limitations, it is possible that more research and optimization are required.
  • Repetition of the test It is necessary to do the test more than once to ensure that the findings are accurate and that the sample LED flood light satisfies the EMC/EMI criteria.

Note that the technique described above is simply a broad guideline, and that the individual needs and standards may call for deviations from this approach.


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